On October 8, Fenny van Egmond and Ronald Koomans, from the Dutch company MEDUSA that is one of the European LIFE project “Crops for better soil” partners, using a soil mapping work carried out in Spain, met in San Sebastian with Gerardo Besga, AGROLCAManager LIFE project coordinator.

AGROLCAManager project is developing a software tool adapted to the methodology of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) in the food industry, for farmers and food companies, and which requires detailed climate and soil for proper operation .

Given the complementary nature of the project objectives “Crops for better soil” and AGROLCAManager project was interesting to have an exchange of ideas, concepts and techniques. Gerardo Besga reported on its work and projects and Ronald van Egmond Koomans and Fenny on the other hand commented on his own, especially on the innovative part of the soil mapping.

After the meeting it was decided by mutual agreement that both teams are kept informed on common issues and to continue to maintain contact on a regular basis to facilitate the exchange of information on the development of the same.

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